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If you have checked out societies in Point Two - you would have found that many societies list opportunities of internships and jobs on their websites. 


In America, REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) opportunities provide the opportunity to work at a university, in a lab and gain crucial skills in research. These programs are open to US citizens and residents but the universities are worth checking because there might be other scholarships advertised as well. 

In Europe, joining societies is the best start to get funding for summer research placements (visit Royal Society of Biology, IntoBio, BSPP, AAAS websites).


You can use organisations to match you up with companies/universities, such as IAESTE or email labs directly. It may seem 'daring to do' but you have nothing to lose!


Attach your CV, write two paragraphs what you would like to do and why they should want you.

© 2017 by Juniper Kiss

This website is written, designed and maintained by a Plant Biology undergraduate student to enlist opportunities and encourage other students to study plants. 

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